Sunday, November 29, 2009

In the Weeds

Oops, it's been a week already! Sorry for the silence, beloved readers, but I got lost in the good weeds/bad weeds weed patch.

The Brickbottom Artists Open Studios was grand and caused my Life Wish List to grow a bit. Thoughts about the event are yet to come.

I was offered a day job which will pay only enough to slow the bleeding out of my bank accounts, but not actually stop it. Still, slow is better than fast when it comes to going broke right? With a little finesse, it might even pay for some new studio equipment that would otherwise come out of either my food budget or my non-existent budget. It starts tomorrow. I feel nervous.

The design of the Exquisite Corpse scrolls is nearly done. The last details of paper decoration were finalized today, but how I wished I had finished and photographed them last week, while I was still "unemployed" and had daylight hours to work in. I feel happy and sad at the same time.

On top of all of that, I am fast on my way to failing to write 50,000 words in 30 days. Yes, I took the National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) challenge again and, though I will need a blip in the space-time continuum to win it, I have already achieved a personal best of 30,349 words, with one more evening left to go. I feel mildly frustrated at having to stop, though my brain will appreciate the cool down time. Someday I will finish this book, and then I'll illustrate it, and then I'll publish it. Just see if I don't. Providing I manage that part about finishing it.

Typing! Art! Commuting! Woo-hoo! It's been quite a November.

To honor all those who choose to take on more difficult challenges when they are already overloaded with work and have the holidays looming, and for the amusement of all kinds of work-nerds, please enjoy the NaNoWriMo Song.

That's going to be my new anthem for a lot of things, I think. I exit dancing.

-- Jen.

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